Student Right-to-Know
Cover image: Landon Bork, 2022, FYE
The Student Right-to-Know Act of 1990 requires all post-secondary schools in the country to disclose their graduation rates and other statistics to all prospective and enrolled students.
The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design’s current graduation rate is 63.3%.
This rate is based on statistics of students who entered MIAD in the Fall of 2017 as first-year students with no previous college credit. It represents those students who enrolled as full-time students who completed their degree in six years.
This rate represents only a portion of MIAD’s graduating population. It does not include part-time students, transfer students or students who started in spring.
The intent of the Student Right-to-Know Act is to provide to the consumer a statistic of comparable effectiveness to be used in the determination of college choice. All colleges nationwide are required to participate in these disclosures.
In compliance with the Student Right-To-Know and Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, and the Campus Security Act of 1990, the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design makes available its completion/transfer rates and Campus Crime information to all current and prospective students.
Additional MIAD statistics are available through College Navigator.
Jean Weimer
(414) 847-3272