Independent Inquiry Program Application Workshops

MIAD Independent Inquiry Program. Do research, get paid

Posted on behalf of Ben Dembroski, Managing Director of Emerging Technology and Institutional Labs. 

Over the next several weeks, the Lubar Emerging Technology Center will be hosting a series of optional workshops available to folks putting together applications for the Independent Inquiry Program.

The workshops will be going over specific sections of the application, as listed below. Students looking to apply are strongly encouraged to attend the workshops, as they will provide valuable guidance on how to put together the strongest application possible.

All workshops will take place in the Lubar Emerging Technology Center from 11:15 – 12:15

Wednsday, January 16th: Budget Section
Thursday, January 17th: Research and Discovery Plan

About the Independent Inquiry Program

The Independent Inquiry Program provides MIAD students the opportunity to receive philanthropically sourced funding while investigating how artists and designers can use emerging technology in ways not currently employed in MIAD’s curriculum.

The rate of profound technological developments which affect art and design is accelerating.  It is difficult for a traditional undergraduate curriculum to effectively adapt to these developments without additional support.  We are also seeing increasing demand for graduates that can adeptly identify and use transformational technologies as they emerge. This program serves as support for the college and its students to meet both those needs, helping the college and its graduates be recognized as forward-thinking, constantly relevant, and highly adaptable.

This program is available to all MIAD degree students, regardless of year or major.

Independent Inquiry Program

Do research, get paid.